Saturday, February 27, 2010

Big Things Happening in the Dickman House!!

Yes! Two great things have happened recently here that we are thrilled about!
#1- Justin got potty trained! Yippeeeee! I am ecstatic about it! Not too long ago he had some doctor visit his preschool that looked at him and said that he probably wouldn't be able to be potty trained until he was about 8 years old! Well we proved her wrong!! Justin's muscles are hypotonic (loose) and this had been difficult for him. We've tried the last year on and off to potty train but with not too much luck. But a few weeks ago I decided that we needed to stick with it, and apparently he was ready too and it worked, in fact pretty easily! We've had less accidents than when Trey was potty training! Anyway, he's doing great and he's only 4, not 8!! Yipee, less diapers!

#2- Seth is walking! We're so excited about this too. It took him until about 16 months, but it's happened, and it's wonderful. So many people say, "oh, now he's going to get into everything!" But I think that's a wonderful thing. I love going out and about or even just in the back yard and he can walk now, instead of crawling everywhere in the filth and dirt.


Shelley said...

That's great on both accounts! I agree, I would rather have my baby walking around than crawling. They put less in their mouth that way too.

hilary w said...

Hooray! What great news to report! I am so proud of Justin! That is a big accomplishment. I agree with you about walking over crawling, too. Once they are mobile I'd rather it be walking so there aren't dirty knees and hands!
