Saturday, February 27, 2010

Big Things Happening in the Dickman House!!

Yes! Two great things have happened recently here that we are thrilled about!
#1- Justin got potty trained! Yippeeeee! I am ecstatic about it! Not too long ago he had some doctor visit his preschool that looked at him and said that he probably wouldn't be able to be potty trained until he was about 8 years old! Well we proved her wrong!! Justin's muscles are hypotonic (loose) and this had been difficult for him. We've tried the last year on and off to potty train but with not too much luck. But a few weeks ago I decided that we needed to stick with it, and apparently he was ready too and it worked, in fact pretty easily! We've had less accidents than when Trey was potty training! Anyway, he's doing great and he's only 4, not 8!! Yipee, less diapers!

#2- Seth is walking! We're so excited about this too. It took him until about 16 months, but it's happened, and it's wonderful. So many people say, "oh, now he's going to get into everything!" But I think that's a wonderful thing. I love going out and about or even just in the back yard and he can walk now, instead of crawling everywhere in the filth and dirt.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Last week for Family Home Evening we talked about love and Valentine's Day and we each made a little Valentine's box/envelope. Throughout the week we were each supposed to write little notes to each person and put them in their box. So tonight for FHE, we do FHE on Sunday nights instead of Mondays, we took turns reading what each person had written to us. It was really sweet and special. Justin needs help with what to write for each person, but Trey did his all on his own and it was so sweet to read his notes to each person. It brings such a nice feeling into the home when we're focusing on loving each other. I loved it. I think we'll start that as a yearly family Valentine's tradition.

I couldn't ask for a sweeter little family. I feel so blessed to have each of my 4 boys in my life. Each brings so much joy to me. And Ryan if you read this at some point, I love you so much. You are the love of my life and I'm so glad you decided to marry me. Everything we have together is wonderful and good and we have the sweetest 3 little boys in the whole world. I love you, happy Valentine's Day! (You'll probably be reading this in May!)
