Yippee! School is out! I love summer! The boys were in a new school this year, well of course new to Justin because he was a kindergartener, but new to Trey too, we transfered him so they could be in the same school. It's been a great year and the boys have loved it. Today we got a picture of the boys in the front of the school.
The story of my life is that I'm always way behind on my blog. I always have a million things I need/want to blog about, the adventures that we have, but don't get around to it enough. So I hope to play catch up in the coming weeks. So here are some "funnies" as I like to call them that have happened recently.
Seth was recently looking at the Angel Moroni on top of the temple and asked if he was playing baseball!
Seth was trying to get his poo poos out and Trey patted him on the butt. Seth said, "No Trey! Don't hurt my poo poos!"
Justin got a bunch of Root Beer flavored jelly bellies from the Jelly Belly Factory. He came home, put them in a cup and filled it with water. Trey saw what he was doing and said excitedly and seriously, "You're a genius Justin! He's making root beer!" That was not Justin's intention.
Justin was riding his tricycle around the kitchen, my boys always ride their trikes in the house, and I told him it was time to stop and come do something. He's getting pretty clever these days. He kept saying, "I can't stop, someone's pushing me!" Of course no one was there. It's always nice to blame things on invisible people!
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