I LOVE that Trey is a reader and can read books to the younger ones. It's soooo nice.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Mice, Mice, Mice!!!
Yuck! I do not like to see little feet scrambling around my house. A couple of weeks ago, Ryan and I were in the kitchen talking and he said, "Was that a mouse I just saw?" He thought he might have seen one run under the fridge. So we moved the fridge and sure enough out came a mouse! We didn't see it for several days and I thought that maybe it had left. But yea right! I started seeing mouse poop all over my house! And then the sightings started happening, I saw them all the time running from here to there. They are seriously fast! Sometimes I would see it out of the corner of my eye and think it was a fly. We tried a weird covered up mouse trap, hoping it would be safe with kids around, but they didn't fall for that. Then we tried the regular mouse traps and within 5 minutes, I heard a snap and walah...we had a mouse! I didn't know how many we had, so I set another one. And not 5 minutes later again, it went off again. And yes we had another mouse! It was that easy! I haven't seen one since, or any poop. Here's a picture of the poor guy.
My little Seth is getting so big. He's growing like a weed. I got out the bins of old clothes the other day and found new/old clothes for him. (His brothers' old clothes, but new for Seth). Wow, that's pretty good, we're getting good use out of a lot of these clothes. Go BYU!
He was really mad here.
Justin was cracking me up tonight. He kept saying, "Nanci Schade, do you want to...?" "Nanci Schade, will you...?" "Nanci Schade, I'm going to..." He's one funny boy. He got this from Ryan, who is the king of nick names and is always calling all of us something or other.
And finally, I just finished my first triathalon! It was awesome! It was only a sprint triathalon, which are one of the shortest kinds. It was a 1/4 mile swim, then 11 mile bike ride, then 5K run. I was pooped by the end, but I finished in 1 hour and 25 minutes including transition times. I hope to improve that time by a lot next time. I signed up with a bunch of friends, we're a bunch of moms. Our name was "Moms Tri Hard." I can't wait to do it again.
And yes, if you click on the picture, my shirt does say, "Uplands Unicycle Club." That shirt is the best! I was on the unicycle club in 5th and 6th grade and the shirt still fits and I still wear it! And it says Nanci on the back, I love it. I should have done the bike portion of the triathalon on my unicycle, now that would have been sweet! :)
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We had a mouse recently too! YUCK! Congrats on the Tri-ing, Nanci. I'm inspired!! :)
Way to go. You are awesome. I can't believe you posted a pic of a dead mouse on your blog. Ewww~ :)
Did you have to show the dead mouse photo? EEEEEK. Even dead ones give me the creeps. If Rob is around I make him throw it away.
Hand-me-downs are great!
Congratulations on doing the tri. That is so awesome! Woohoo!
Coolest shirt ever.
You have to be careful with poisons around your kids and pets. I found a trap that Victor makes with a 100% kill rate. It also seals the dead mouse so you don’t have to touch it. And it’s safe to use around pets and kids. http://www.victorpest.com/store/rodent-control/m265#desc
Just found your blog & loved reading about you and your cute family. The boys are so handsome. And I'm so inspired by your triathlon! That's on my list to do! I think you're wonderful! besitos, Kendra
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