To be honest, I was a little intimidated too by Terri's class. But last week I got to go to the pumpkin patch with them and I tell you, you spend a day with these kids and it can change your life. These kids have it rough and they are troopers and some of the most special people you could be around. And those teachers of these kids are heaven-sent also. Some of these kids make Justin's life look easy. These kids range from K-4th grade.
Jusin, Caleb, and Lidia. Big Al (is what they call him) with the black glasses and big grin, he's a hoot!
In the gigantic box of corn. They loved it. It was a therapist's dream for all these kids! Sensory input here we come!

Justin loves Caleb. He talks about him all the time. Apparently they are quite the pair in class, they crack each other up constantly and then it makes everyone else crack up too!

It was a wonderful day at the pumpkin patch with this class. Makes you really grateful.
Last weekend we went to a different pumpkin patch here in Clayton. Here the boys are in a hay maze.
Last weekend we went to a different pumpkin patch here in Clayton. Here the boys are in a hay maze.