This morning Justin climbed in bed with us before anyone else was awake. He layed between us and I snuggled into him and he said, "You stink mama! P U!" And pushed me away. I turned the other way and giggled a lot.
The other day Seth and Justin were standing at the sliding glass door fighting about whether it should be closed or open. Justin was standing on the outside of the door and Seth was inside, they were facing each other. Justin was winning the battle. So Seth turned around and walked away, then turned around again to face him, lifted up him toy gun that he was holding and started shooting him. I got a kick out of it. They learn so young.
You can't imagine how many times strangers tell us that Justin looks like that kid from Jerry Maguire. They say, "you know the one that says...the human head weighs 8 pounds!" Or if you haven't seen that movie, it's the same kid from Stewart Little. Well, it's true, he really does look like that kid!
One day Trey said to me, "Mom, is that called a UPS truck or an OOPS truck?"
Trey was recently telling me about all the girls he loves at school. He went on and on, and then finally said, "I just LOVE girls for some reason!" And through volunteering in his classroom, I've found out from the other kids that he likes to chase several of them and kiss them! And then two days ago we picked up Trey from school and one of the little girls that Trey "loves" said, "Bye Trey!" His mom heard him and said, "Oh so that's Trey! We find little notes all around that say I love Trey!" I'm discovering that he is quite the little lady's man!
The other day we were picking Trey up from school and we kept hearing Trey's name being called from a distance. Finally Trey said, "I think they're calling me because I'm one of the smartest kids, or because I got new shoes."
Trey was recently in the Woodside Elementary 1st grade school play. It was called, "How Does Your Garden Grow." Trey was a crow and he loved every minute of it. He's the kid on the very left. And notice the bald head front and center in the picture!
1 comment:
cutest boys ever. trey's stories remind me of you when you were in kindergarten...playing chase with greg jarman and mark fisher!!!
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