All Ryan's siblings and his parents. They're a tall bunch!
Ryan's brother Adam, he's a fireman, my boys think that's pretty cool!
We hang around at camp a lot waiting for the morning clouds to burn off so we can get to the beach. We do a lot of eating. We take turns cooking dinners at night for the whole group.

One day we went to Balboa park and went to the train museum. My boys LOVED it! Especially Justin this time. A few years ago we went and took Trey for the first time when he was about 3, I've never seen him so excited in my whole life to this date.

The kids love to ride their scooters and bikes all around the roads at the campsite. Trey rediscovered his scooter there. They had a blast with their cousins. I don't have pictures of all the cousins, but there are a bunch around my boys ages, not all of them were there. This is Sophie and Trey.

This is Sarah, Colleen's little girl. She's so fun. My boys haven't been around most of these cousins in a few years so they had no memory of most of them, so it was like meeting each other for the first time. When Sarah first saw Justin, she said, "So this is who we always pray for!" It was cute.
Little Abby, Sarah's sister. I just wanted to squeeze here the whole time, she's so darling.
Grandma and Grandpa, look like they're having a great time!
We had pinata night 2 times! Here's the first one.
And the aftermath...
The kids had fun with the pinatas the next morning trying to recreate the night before. Then the most funny thing, Sarah cut off all the poky cone pieces to this pinata and set up shop. She put out an upside down bucket and put out all the cones and started to sell them as hats. It was hilarious, what a little entrepreneur!
Cousin Ollie
Cousin Adele
Seth didn't have fear of this dog, Amber (the name cracks me up because of Amber Price! He he!)

The view of the beach from our campsite.
We loved being at the beach. The boys were so happy there and we could stay forever. Even Seth loved crawling around all over, and didn't mind being completely covered in sand one bit.

Love this picture.

The Grandmas
After the beach, we'd put the little ones in the bucket for a bath. It was honestly Justin's favorite part about the beach trip!
...not so happy
One night we all took a trip to IN-N-OUT, yum yum!
This is Breakfast Bob's at it's finest.
We used to live in Poway, close to San Elijo and used to go feed the ducks at Lake Poway when Trey was little, so we had to take a trip down memory lane to Lake Poway to feed the ducks. Justin loved it.
We had the best time with all the family. We went Saturday to Saturday. Finally by about Thursday I was getting the hang of it, but then it was time to go on Saturday! Oh well, I guess that's camping with little ones. I can't wait for next year.

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