Sunday, December 13, 2009
My last name
Ryan just reminded me of this story the other day and I just have to share it. We marry for love, not for a last name! Certainly in my case, DICKMAN! Well, this happened way back when we were still at BYU and not too long after we were married. Ryan was in a band with some of his buddies and one of them, Matt, was engaged. They were performing at some place one night and each band member could get one guest in free. So this girl was writing down the names of the guests of the band members who would be admitted for free that night. She came to Ryan and Matt and asked them who their guests would be and Ryan said, "Nanci Dickman" and Matt said, "Lisa Balls." Lisa Balls was the name of his fiance. She started writing and then paused and looked up and asked if they were messing with her. They explained that they were for real!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Was lost and now is found
"Jelly Bean" as Justin calls him was lost about a month ago, and Justin was so so sad (see previous post). He would call out over and over again, "Jelly Bean, where are you?" I was sad for Justin because he was so sad. Justin likes to have something that he carries with him everywhere, and that has been Jelly Bean for a while now. In the past weeks while he's been gone, he's had several substitutes. My favorite was the play dough turtle, but he could only last so long. Anyway, the other night, Ryan was looking under our bed for something, and who did he find but Jelly Bean!!! Justin had just got in bed and Ryan called everyone in the room to witness this great reunion. He showed Justin who he had found and Justin was glowing. It was seriously so cute, and funny too. He sat and held him and stared at him forever just smiling away! Ryan caught a picture of it. I have to say, I'm happy that Jelly Bean is back!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
New best friend
This is Justin's new best friend. Grandma and Grandpa Schade bought this for him recently when we went up to the Jelly Belly Factory. He takes this straw everywhere, including preschool and bed, and includes it in everything. Just tonight we were saying who our best buddies are and "Jelly Bean" was mentioned by Justin too. That's what he calls him, Jelly Bean.
I told myself I would never put pictures of food I made on my blog, but here I go! I guess this isn't really food, but treats, yum yum! These are the Halloween treats I made to give mostly to all the boys' teachers at school and church. And I just think they're really cute and wanted to remember them so I'm putting them on my blog. The caramel apple idea is from Enrichment Super Saturday a few weeks ago.
These are the Enrichment ones. They were SO tastey! They're my new favorite treat at night afters the buds go down to bed.
I also made these at Super Saturday, cookie ingredients in a jar.
Also, soups in a jar.
Lately, I've had an obsession with wigs!! I bought 4 wigs this Halloween season, this one I like best on Justin. He actually likes it too. We went to the store a number of times and Justin was the only one willing to try on all the wigs for me. We got some good laughs in the store, some other people walking by did too.
Justin showing off Ryan's Halloween 80's mullet!
Trey's turn, I finally convinced him to put it on, and then he really got in character!
Last Friday, Justin came home from preschool with this all over his face. I thought it was so cute and apparently so did he. We finally got him happy with his Halloween costume just a few days earlier, a race car driver, and then he came home with this on his face and wanted to be a kitty instead!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
When Trey was about 2 years old, he couldn't say the word Triangle well. Instead he said crynee. I'm not even sure how to spell that. It's pronounced like the words "cry" and "knee" put together. Eventually he was able to say triangle, but we have a new use for the word these days. One day last summer we were having a picnic lunch and Justin wouldn't eat his sandwich, so randomly, don't know how he thought of this, but glad he did because it worked, Ryan told Justin that he was going to count backwards from 5 and then Justin would have to take a bite and then everyone would yell out "crynee!" Well, it worked! Justin thought it was so exciting when we all yelled crynee that he did it, in fact we did it every time he took a bite until the whole sandwich was gone! So we've tried this peculiar strategy again and again and it seems to work most of the time. It cracks me up. Tonight we were eating dinner and he didn't want to eat his chicken and rice and so Ryan decided to try it out again. Needless to say, it worked again. This time though it got really rowdy and fun. Even Trey needed the trick to finish up his food, but hey, it worked for him too! We all got musical instruments (tambourine, rhythm can, morocca, and more) and in addition to yelling out crynee, we shook our instuments wildly including Justin and even Seth. It was pretty fun. The boys loved it and everyone finished their food!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
The Tooth Fairy forgot!
Yesterday Trey lost his 3rd tooth. He and Justin were headed to the dentist today and he had a very loose tooth. I told him that the dentist might try to pull it out, so last night he asked me if I would do it so the dentist wouldn't have to. So we got the tooth out.
If you can't read it, it says, "Dear Tooth Fairy, you forgot my tooth. Will you please give me extra money." Pretty funny, we had a good laugh.
So the tooth fairy wrote him back, and here's what she said,
Dear Trey,
I am sorry I didn't get by your house last light, you wouldn't believe how many children lost teeth yesterday! Here’s a dollar for you!
The Tooth Fairy
He received a quarter for the first two teeth, so hopefully he'll be happy with a dollar! And maybe he'll be glad the tooth fairy forgot!
Trey put the tooth in a bag and set it on his dresser for the tooth fairy to come. Well, that darn tooth fairy completely forgot to come!! So this morning he came in my bedroom with the tooth and told me how she forgot to come, I sat up quickly from bed and I felt so bad! I told him that one time that happened to me when I was a kid and I ended up getting more money. Ryan and I were out this evening and Grandma and Grandpa were babysitting, so I found this note on his dresser when we got home.

So the tooth fairy wrote him back, and here's what she said,
Dear Trey,
I am sorry I didn't get by your house last light, you wouldn't believe how many children lost teeth yesterday! Here’s a dollar for you!
The Tooth Fairy
He received a quarter for the first two teeth, so hopefully he'll be happy with a dollar! And maybe he'll be glad the tooth fairy forgot!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
You can never not have fun when you've got a wig around the house. I bought this wig last week for me for Halloween, but I had to put it on my boys, for my enjoyment. Justin is the only one I got pictures of, but all of the boys were wearing it. I guess I'm the one that has the most fun! 
It seems like somebody always needs a haircut. Check out Justin's mohawk, he wasn't too pleased, but again, I had a lot of fun with it! His hair is so blonde and beautiful, I wish I could take it put it right on my head!
Then it was time for Seth to get another hair cut. That kid was born with so much blonde hair, well they all were, but especially Seth. So he's been getting hair cuts his whole life. This was probably his sixth one and he's not even one year old yet! It's almost impossible to cut his hair, he moves around like crazy, and I can't use the clippers yet because his hair is too soft and fine. But we eventually get it cut, it's pretty uneven, but it's better. Now he looks like a little boy to me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009
General Conference
I LOVE General Conference! I remember so well being young and being so anxious for General Conference to be over, but now I can't get enough. I could keep listening for days. It fills me completely. And it went so well this weekend, the little boys played nicely and pretty quietly with toys and Trey actually really listened, without even being asked, he wanted to and sat through pretty much all of it! I was so proud of him. Last Sunday we attended a baptism at church. After it was over, I asked him if he liked it. He said that at the end he felt really happy and cried a little. I explained to him that he was feeling the influence of the Holy Ghost, telling him that these things were true and right. He told me he knew that already! We've been very filled lately. I'm so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Dickman Family Reunion
This post is going to have a TON of pictures! In August this summer we went down to San Diego for the Dickman annual family reunion. They go to San Elijo beach and camp and they've been doing this since before Ryan was born. The group has grown big now. This picture is Ryan's family, there are 6 kids in his family and all are married with children. There are 16 grandchildren and one on the way. (No, I'm not pregnant) We go for a week and on Sunday we went to Ryan's brother Brian's house who lives down there for Sunday dinner, that's where this picture was taken. Ryan's mom Sandie has a sister that also has 6 kids and they've been going to the beach just as long and all still do. They have their own campsite next to ours. 

All Ryan's siblings and his parents. They're a tall bunch!
Ryan's brother Adam, he's a fireman, my boys think that's pretty cool!
We hang around at camp a lot waiting for the morning clouds to burn off so we can get to the beach. We do a lot of eating. We take turns cooking dinners at night for the whole group.

One day we went to Balboa park and went to the train museum. My boys LOVED it! Especially Justin this time. A few years ago we went and took Trey for the first time when he was about 3, I've never seen him so excited in my whole life to this date.

The kids love to ride their scooters and bikes all around the roads at the campsite. Trey rediscovered his scooter there. They had a blast with their cousins. I don't have pictures of all the cousins, but there are a bunch around my boys ages, not all of them were there. This is Sophie and Trey.

This is Sarah, Colleen's little girl. She's so fun. My boys haven't been around most of these cousins in a few years so they had no memory of most of them, so it was like meeting each other for the first time. When Sarah first saw Justin, she said, "So this is who we always pray for!" It was cute.
Little Abby, Sarah's sister. I just wanted to squeeze here the whole time, she's so darling.
Grandma and Grandpa, look like they're having a great time!
We had pinata night 2 times! Here's the first one.
And the aftermath...
The kids had fun with the pinatas the next morning trying to recreate the night before. Then the most funny thing, Sarah cut off all the poky cone pieces to this pinata and set up shop. She put out an upside down bucket and put out all the cones and started to sell them as hats. It was hilarious, what a little entrepreneur!
Cousin Ollie
Cousin Adele
Seth didn't have fear of this dog, Amber (the name cracks me up because of Amber Price! He he!)

The view of the beach from our campsite.
We loved being at the beach. The boys were so happy there and we could stay forever. Even Seth loved crawling around all over, and didn't mind being completely covered in sand one bit.

Love this picture.

The Grandmas
After the beach, we'd put the little ones in the bucket for a bath. It was honestly Justin's favorite part about the beach trip!
...not so happy
One night we all took a trip to IN-N-OUT, yum yum!
This is Breakfast Bob's at it's finest.
We used to live in Poway, close to San Elijo and used to go feed the ducks at Lake Poway when Trey was little, so we had to take a trip down memory lane to Lake Poway to feed the ducks. Justin loved it.
We had the best time with all the family. We went Saturday to Saturday. Finally by about Thursday I was getting the hang of it, but then it was time to go on Saturday! Oh well, I guess that's camping with little ones. I can't wait for next year.

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