It seems like a whirlwind has hit over the last week or so. So many wonderful things have gone on, and in the midst of them all, something tragic has happened. My mother-in-law Sandie suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm last week. She was actually at her father's funeral of all places when it hit. She thought it was just a migraine and just waited it out until a few days later she passed out and they took her to the hospital and found it. She went in for surgery a day or so later and they were hopeful that she could be okay. But since that point everything has gone downhill. She never woke up after the surgery and have discovered several vasospasms in the brain since, which I believe is where the blood vessels in the brain constrict and doesn't allow blood through. Thus the tissues die. It is not looking good for Sandie right now. This morning we got a phone call and all Ryan's siblings were on the phone on a conference call, they basically told everyone to fly out now to come see her, probably for the last time. She is in a coma and she has such severe brain damage that if she ever came out of it the doctors say she would be a vegetable. The machines and meds are what is keeping her alive right now. So they are deciding when to take her off. It is a bad situation. She is such a wonderful woman. I am only her daughter-in-law and I feel cheated. I feel like I didn't get to spend enough time with her. The last time we saw her was last summer, that's a long time ago. And I'm so sad she didn't get to come to Trey's baptism and we didn't get to spend that time with her one last time. I went looking for pictures of her with my family and I don't hardly have any close-ups. Take pictures with your grandparents! I want her around longer to glean from her insights and learn her faith and wisdom. She is such a faithful, strong, dedicated and loving person. I wish my kids could have known her better. I feel sad that I can't be there with the family now to say good bye, I can only imagine what the scene is like.
This was taken in the summer of 2009 at the annual Dickman family reunion. Robert and Sandie with their 6 children. What a great group!
This is the rest of the group, with spouses and grandchildren, and even great grandpa (Sandie's father who just passed).
Also at our beach trip family reunion with her sister Chrys, who is like her twin.
Grandma with Trey at Legoland.
Sandie we love you so much! We know that whatever happens, it is in the Lord's hands. Thank you for everything you've taught us and for the legacy you leave.