Justin and I carved this pumpkin in his kindergarten class. He was so proud.
The Friday before Halloween we made pumpkin shaped pizza. Before it had toppings...
...and after. Looks a bit scary now. But it tasted good!
Trey decorated his own pizza faces.
This year Halloween fell on a Sunday. We don't trick of treat on Sundays, so we went Friday instead. We asked some ward members if we could trick or treat early and they said yes. So we went out with a few other families and it worked out great.
Seth did not want to put on his Halloween costume every time we tried to have him try it on prior to Halloween. But luckily that night, after he saw the boys put on their costumes and get black eyes, he wanted to do it too!
"Yo Adrian!" My boys are obsessed with Rocky.

Trey lands his own punch.
What a good looking group!
The next night we had a ward trunk or treat at church. Yes!! More candy!
There were some pretty impressive costumes. Like Ken the doll. He glued every sequins on one by one! His wife Barbie was there too.
The Little Mermaid and Family. She made these, very impressive. And little Sebastian the crab to the right too.
So finally when Halloween came along, we had already trick or treated 2 times and the boys were fine not going again. And then we actually got to be home for when the trick or treaters came, it worked out great!
Trey carved some pretty awesome pumpkins. Three of them, all by himself. He's such a little artist. I kept telling him he couldn't carve this little pumpkin, it was too hard. But he did it! I didn't think it could be done. But he proved me wrong, as always.