I have two funny stories that just happened recently. One was just today. I found out today at church that our friends don't have AC and it was over 100 degrees today, it was a scorcher. So we invited them over for dinner to escape the heat of their house. They were over for only about an hour or less when all of a sudden our power went out! So much for keeping them cool! So we were burning up all together! And then of course, just as they were heading out, the power came back on. Poor gang, they just can't keep cool!
The other story happened several weeks ago. I went to get my hair done and I asked the lady to put a little bit of bleach at my hairline right in the front. She didn't have time to rinse me, so she made sure I was headed right home to rinse it out myself. I assured her I was going right home. Well, on my way home, about two blocks from my house, my car died! I was almost in an intersection. I was freaking out, how could my car die with a bunch of bleachy gunk in my hair, of all the times! I thought my hair was going to fry off! And not to mention it looked like I had some head disease! So I remembered that water stops the processing of bleach, so I started pooring water from my water bottle into my hands and dumping it on my head and then rubbing it with Seth's diaper cloth. I did it several times until I felt it was sufficient, but by now I was looking rather scary! Okay, so now I fixed the hair problem (it still looked really scary), but now I had a car problem! Seth and I made our way out to the sidewalk and I made some calls to get the tow truck out there. My car was totally obstructing traffic, so they were sending a police officer. I waited and I waited and I waited, nobody came. By this time my preschooler who comes home to me on the bus was going to come any time now, but I was still hoping they would come first. They kept telling me on the phone that I HAVE to be present when the tow truck arrives. Well, I look up and there goes Justin's bus right past me, UGHHHHH!!! Well, I couldn't wait any longer, I had to leave my broken down car there all alone! So I grabbed Seth and we were weaving in the traffic to my car to grab my stoller when I heard a honking horn, I looked up at it was the police officer. I quickly explained the situation and he said he'd give my a ride to my house. So I buckled Seth in the back and opened the front door to sit down and there were guns everywhere all over the seat! Wow!! I didn't know they were that armed! So he puts the guns in the back with Seth, which I didn't really like! So he drives me to my house and I'm thinking, what is the bus driver going to think?!!! I'm not there and then I pull up in a cop car! Well, the bus was still waiting, luckily and I explained to him that I hadn't been arrested, it was my car that broke down. He liked to joke around with me about that one! So I got Justin, but my car was still out there and I was not. The police officer said he would have them tow it to the right place, so we just stayed home. Later on, the tow guy called me and was not very happy with me because I was not present. He said, "Next time mam, if you could plan things better..." I said, "What?! Are you kidding me? Do you think I planned this?!!!!" Anyway, it all worked out in the end, and we all got home safe, and my car got towed and then fixed, AND my hair was not fried.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Seth's first run
This last week Seth got his first jogger stroller run in. I pushed Justin and Seth in the stroller and Trey rode his bike. Seth looked so cute all bundled up, I had to take their picture. It wasn't actually that cold at all, but I'm sort of a freak about temperature and want to make sure they stay warm. Here are the picts.

Father's Day
Today turned out pretty well, it turned out to be a great day. Let me run through it quickly...let's back up first though. Stayed up late last night almost finishing a long-time promised blanket for Ryan, which I don't have a picture of, but I'm pretty proud of. I made it from old scraps of blankets I had made for us several years ago. Ryan's very picky about his blankets, and he's very tall, so they have to be long enough to cover his feet! After church today, I made...get this...chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips! Isn't that funny! Well those are Ryan's favorite kind!!! They're actually pretty good, but I do prefer them with the chips. Then we made dinner, well I did, it's father's day, but he did do the grilling. We had family home evening and learned a little more about dad when he was young and then we hid sticky notes around the house of the reasons why we love dad. The boys had fun with that. Then we had World's Greatest Dad chocolate bars that some friends made for us and chocolate-less cookies for refreshments! It was great. The boys love FHE and especially the refreshment part!
Dad and the boys:

Some of our chocolate fun!

We got this cute idea from Family Fun Magazine to make a rock Dad, so Trey did it all by himself. He's my artist. He spent forever just picking out the rocks today! Turned out pretty cool!

Dad and the boys:

Some of our chocolate fun!

We got this cute idea from Family Fun Magazine to make a rock Dad, so Trey did it all by himself. He's my artist. He spent forever just picking out the rocks today! Turned out pretty cool!

We love Dad, Ryan, or whatever you want to call him! We're a lucky bunch to have him around!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Special Kids Day
I'm being a little retroactive here for a bit. I've wanted to start a blog for a while, but just haven't got around to it until now. So there's some things I want to include even though they happened in the last months. So a couple of months ago, we were invited to Special Kids Day. Our son Justin has some muscle and balance problems and so he goes to a special preschool where he gets therapy for these things. The Lions Club sponsored this event for kids with special needs and their families. It was awesome. And the best part was that everything was free! We love free! There was live music, tons of food and treats, games, bounce houses, prizes, petting zoo and tons more. Justin is my little angel that is just the sweetest little thing. I knew that Heavenly Father sent me someone very special before we had any clue there was anything up with Justin. He is so happy and loving and makes me appreciate the little things. Justin seems to be okay cognitively, but just doesn't have a body that works as easily as the rest of ours. Sometimes it's hard to watch, that he can't run and keep up with the other kids, but his optimism and determination are contagious. While we were at this event, I kept thinking how grateful I was for Justin. There are a lot of other people that have it a lot tougher than him. Here are some photos.
Graduation day
I can't believe I'm old enough to have a graduate! It's only kindergarten, but still. It seems like only yesterday I was dropping him off for his first day. Half days are over and now the school gets him a full day next year, yuck! That just seems like too long. He started school without knowing anyone, but made some really good friends this year. Here are some of them during the last week of school.
During graduation, Trey wouldn't crack a smile. In fact he looked rather miserable, that's just what he does when he knows he's on the spot. Kind of funny. All the kindergarten classes put on a singing performance and then they each got to walk across the stage and receive their little diploma.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Just couldn't leave these out!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Portraits of the boys
Recently we went to get the boys pictures taken at Portrait Innovations in Utah when I was visiting there. They turned out awesome!! There were so many good pictures, I couldn't buy them all, but I did buy a ton. Ryan thinks we have pictures of our kids all over the walls of our home now! But I did get them all on CD. So here are some of the darling pictures, some of my favorites.

Friday, June 5, 2009
Okay, okay, I started a blog!!
Finally! I decided to start a blog! I always said I would never do it, but I decided I can't stand scrap booking and I need a way to preserve our memories. Too many funny, crazy, wonderful, and chaotic things go on around here and I want to remember and have something for my boys to look back on some day. So if anyone else wants to check it out, they can also. I'm sure things will change as I go, but for now, I just need to get some of what's going on in our lives recorded, so here we go!
Here's a little bit about my family. I live with my husband Ryan, and my three little boys, Trey-6, Justin-3, and Seth-8 months. We live in northern California and have been here for about one year. Ryan and I met at BYU in Provo, Utah about nine years ago and got married about a year and a half later. Now jump to several years later and here we are with three sweet little boys. They are my everything!
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